Just because you retire does not minimize the importance of your credit. How you manage finances during retirement can impact your credit and thus your ability to borrow or increase your pay interest rates.
Grow your business
Managing Stealth Retirement Expenses
Take a look at some of the potential financial surprises in retirement – and how you can prepare for them.
Understanding Lump Sum Pension Buyouts
While it is possible to take a lump-sum payment, invest it wisely, and benefit from the situation in various ways, it’s important to remember that you are fully responsible for making that lump sum last throughout your entire retirement.
Tax time is here
The year-end is upon us; it is time to make any changes that can help you plan for maximizing your tax year. It could be time to address good recordkeeping and better tax liability planning. Here is a list of topics that will help you re-evaluate your situation.
Five Tips For Cybersecurity Consciousness
Americans’ top worries about crime are “having your personal, credit card or financial information stolen by computer hackers” and “being the victim of identity theft” according to a Gallup survey published in late 2017. In a world that is going increasingly digital, we must all adapt, and retirees are no exception
Volatility in the stock market again is back, and it might be a warning shot.
More people are waking up wondering, “Could this be the Big Correction everybody’s been worried about?” I can’t answer that question, but I can tell you that a major correction is inevitable. Will it be 10%, 20%, 40%? Who knows what will happen.
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant